How to Maintain Your Facelift Surgery Results

in New York

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By Dr. Jeremy nikfarjam

Facelift surgery can help you look and feel younger by removing sagging skin and other imperfections as a result of the aging process. After your surgery, your surgeon will give you specific aftercare instructions to help you attain long-lasting results. There are other things you can do to help your recovery process to achieve and keep your desired aesthetic results. Here are three tips to help you maintain your results after facelift surgery.

Stay Smoke Free

In order to be eligible to receive facelift surgery, you will need to stop all forms of nicotine use. After your surgery, nicotine can negatively impact your results. Nicotine restricts the blood flow necessary for healing of skin tissue and can lead to infection and other serious health complications. Abstain from all forms of nicotine use for at least six weeks after surgery to help you protect and maintain your results.

Protect Your Skin from Sun Exposure

Sun exposure can damage the results of your facelift surgery. UV radiation can lead to visible scarring and increase swelling and discomfort. Make sure to apply sunscreen daily before heading outdoors, even on cloudy days. Wear a brimmed hat and sunglasses to provide extra protection.

Choose Healthy Foods

Your diet can be a significant factor in maintaining your facelift surgery results. Gaining extra weight on your face can distort your features and make you look older. Choose healthy foods to give your body the nutrients necessary for recovery. These foods should consist of lean proteins, green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits. Limit processed foods containing harmful chemicals that can make you gain weight and affect your overall health.

Cutting Edge Facelift Surgery in New York City

If you are considering facelift surgery, it is essential to get professional advice from an experienced plastic surgeon to help you get and maintain the best results possible. New You Plastic Surgery provides cutting edge facelift surgery procedures to help you look and feel your best in New York City. During a consultation, Dr. Jeremy Nikfarjam can examine your skin to recommend the best treatment options for your aesthetic goals. Call to schedule a consultation appointment today.

The post How to Maintain Your Facelift Surgery Results appeared first on New You Plastic Surgery.

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Take the first step on your path toward rejuvenation and rediscover your confidence at New You Plastic Surgery. Schedule your consultation with one of our experienced practitioners, Dr. Jeremy Nikfarjam and Dr. Micheline Goulart, today and achieve the transformative results you deserve.



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